
Isaiah 52

How beautiful on the mountains
are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!"



I have the best computer ever!!! I can't get over how excited I am about this computer! I have definitely spent way too much time on it the past couple of days, but I have been snowed in. I have been wanting a new camera, but I decided to keep the one I have and try my best to take good pictures. I was playing around on iphoto today and I discovered different ways to edit photos! Here are some of my favorite pics so far (including some from the snow days this week). Sorry it's a lot:



So I didn't know it was supposed to snow today! What a surprise! 4 inches or more so far! I took pictures but I can't figure out how to download my Kodak software on my new computer yet. Ok that's all!


I really wish I was better at posting! I have been without a computer for about a month now, BUT I got a new one!! I finally got a MAC!! You have no idea how excited I am! I had a Dell and was constantly having troubles. My husband got a MAC about 3 years and has never had troubles with it. Finally after mine crashed two times, I was like this is it. I don't want to deal with it anymore. So we bought an iMAC. It is the best computer I have ever used! So hopefully I will be posting more now that I have an awesome computer I love to use!

So to update, Jonathan and I are going to China this summer! We have always had a heart for the country of China and it has always been a dream of mine to go. Jonathan went one summer for 8 weeks and now we have the opportunity to go together. We are going to take a group of college students from our church this May for 3 weeks. I can't believe it is actually happening. God has been so good to us. I am definitely nervous about raising the money, but I know that God wants us to go therefore, he will provide a way for us to get there. I am blessed to have a job that is willing to let me take off for a couple of weeks to go. My boss's exact words were, "I would rather you spend as much time as you need there than be here at work." How awesome is that?! We will be staying at a one of the college's in China and will have the opportunity to take some classes and be language partners. We will help them learn English and they will teach us Chinese. I am very excited about this! We will definitely keep you updated!