
Happy Monday!

I was searching through blogs and found this blog. I saw that she does a Happy Homemaker Monday post every week and thought I would join in! Except that I'm not actually a homemaker, but I am until August...so I am going to just call mine Happy Monday.

The Weather... Not my favorite this week since I like to take AG for walks and sit outside in the sun and read!

Right now I am... 
I am enjoying some down time after a busy morning...and also hoping that AG will quit crying and take her nap!

About Audrey Grace's doctor appointment this afternoon. She gets her first shots and I know we are both going to cry.

On my reading pile...
Follow Me by David Platt and Raising a Daughter After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George

On my TV...
There isn't much time for TV with a newborn, but if I have time, I'm usually watching Friends or Reba

What I found while surfing the Net...
I found so many great blogs!

On the menu this week...

Monday - Shepherd's Pie (Well Fed cookbook)
Tuesday - Metza Pie (Well Fed cookbook)
Wednesday - Chocolate Chili (Well Fed cookbook)
Thursday - Leftover chili
Friday - Hawaiian Chicken (Whole Family Strong blog)
Saturday - Lettuce Wrapped Fajitas
Sunday - ???

On my to do list...
Take AG to the doctor
Finish a book study for work...since I have to go back the last two days of school :(
Water the garden and flowers
Play with AG
Cook supper

Looking Forward to this week...
We will have our 5 year anniversary this week and it's a three day weekend! Well for Jonathan!

Looking around the house... 
I can definitely see that I need to vacuum our bedroom and dust our bedroom! Something I have to do everyday with two dogs!

From the Camera...

This picture was taken in our sunroom...my favorite room in the house! I love reading and I love relaxing in this chair!

On my prayer list...
Prayer for all of the college students as they go on different mission trips this summer around the world!

Bible Verse...

I hope you have a great Monday!!


Liz said...

Stopping by via Sandra's blog. Welcome to Happy Homemaker Monday.

Your menu plan looks delicious!

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.

Have a wonderful week. Happy Monday!

Brooke said...

Thank you Liz! I hope you have a wonderful too and thanks for checking out my blog!