
My First Mother's Day

Yesterday was my first Mother's Day! It was such a great day and I am so thankful to be a mother! My first Mother's Day didn't quite turn out like we thought, but it ended up being so wonderful! Audrey Grace was supposed to be dedicated at church, but she was sick this weekend. Friday night she was running a fever so we decided that we didn't need to take her out in public. She is now doing much better and back to her happy little self! Our family still came in town and instead of going to her baby dedication, we decided to work in our yard and build a garden! This was one part of my Mother's Day gift! 

This is what our house looked like when we first moved in. Not much curb appeal. Apparently the original owners LOVED monkey grass! Well, we hate monkey grass, especially when it is out of control like ours was!
 This is what our yard looks like now! I love it! We took out all the monkey grass, planted an autumn maple tree and planted flowers! The only thing we have to do now is trim our bushes really good...not something we wanted to tackle after working in the yard all day!
We built a raised garden in the back yard. We have tomatoes, squash, all kinds of peppers, and herbs! I am so excited about our garden!

Like I said, my first Mother's Day was great! Jonathan always makes me feel so special! 

Oh, and today Audrey Grace is 2 months old! I will give an update on her after she goes to her next checkup!

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